Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kindergarten Field Day

I thought I was so organized and missed nothing but, I did, I missed Field Day!!!

The Kindergarners had their own field day this year. I think it was such a good way to do it so that they were not so overwhelmed by the whole concept of field day in itself. Anyway, It was lots of fun and the day was not super hot so that was super helpful as well.

Each class participated in all the events and they were so cute!!

Ben jumping over the hurdle
Walking with a ball between his knees.

Ben and his two girlfriends. The only bummer is that they will be a year ahead of him in school.

Does he look cool or what!

Ben's team could not figure this event out. it was commical how much they didn't get it.

The class!!

June 8, 2010

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