Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A sick cat

So Carolyn was very concerned about Metro and decided to take her into the clinic for some testing. Metro has lots a lot of weight recently and looks really skinny. Anyway, Metro currently weights 4 pounds and 10 ounces. She has chronic renal failure and lots of stones. Poor kitty. They doctors put Metro on some low protein cat food as well as some meds to help increase her appetite and hopefully she will just not be in lots of pain and she will have a long time left to live. Thankfully my amazing friend is a vet and is going to help us out with all this craziness :)

Just in case anyone cares I thought of another idea for the boys for Halloween. A baseball bat and a ball or a golfer and a golf ball. I know it seems early to some of you however if you don't get costumes soon they are all sold out very quickly and then you have no more choices. It is crazy!!!

Here a some pic's of Jacob trying to crawl. I predict that he will be crawling within the next month for sure probably within the next two weeks. (sorry about the blurry pic's I am not sure what happened other than that Jacob was rocking back and forth)

I am trying so hard to move my arms and legs are just not cooperating

It is very distracting to have you taking pictures of me mommy while I am trying to learn how to crawl :)

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