I divided them into categories (well plan to I just made them tonight)
Here are the categories I think that I will use (still praying over that part). A lot of the sections are directly from Stormy Omartian's books the power of a praying wife and the power of a praying parent.
So here are the sections I will use for the you and me journal
About 1/3 will be devoted to specific areas of our marriage the could use improvement (we are pretty much perfect but there is always room right?)
Another 1/3 will be devoted to God sized prayers (the stuff that seems impossible to change)
The final 1/3 will be devoted to each of the following categories, a few pages for each area, I can then write notes, verses, specific things for each category as they arise throughout the year. The areas are: Work, Finances, Affection, Sexuality, Temptations, Mind, Fears, Purpose, Choices, Health, Protection, Trials, Integrity, Reputation, Priorities, Relationships, Fatherhood, Attitude, Marriage, Walk, Talk, Repentance, Deliverance, Obedience, Self-Image, Faith, Future,
Each of the kids will also have a journal
1/3 of their journals will be devoted to a spiritual inventory, goals for Child each month.
1/3 Character qualities my kids have and those I would like to see grow in them with scripture to back them up
The final 1/3 will be devoted to each of the following categories: Releasing (Ben,Jake,Caleb) in God’s hands, Securing protection from harm, Feeling Loved and Accepted, Establishing and eternal future, Honoring parents and resisting rebellion, Maintaining Good family relationship, Attractive Godly friends and role models, Developing a hunger for the things of God, Being the person God created, Following truth, rejecting lies, Instilling a desire to learn, Identifying God, given gifts and talents, Leaning to speak truth, Staying attracted to holiness and purity, Enjoying freedom from fear, Living free of un-forgiveness, (Ben, Jacob, Caleb) future wife, Walking in repentance, Seeking wisdom and discernment, Growing in faith (establishing a true relationship with Jesus Christ),