Thursday, May 7, 2009

Caleb - one month old

Caleb is already a month old. I am not so sure where the time went but it sure has been fun having three little boys around.

Here were Caleb's shocking stats from his 1 month well visit
Weight 10.5 - 75%
Length 22.5 - 75%
Head Circumference 39" - 50%

Pretty impressive considering he was not completely back to birth weight at 2 weeks.

Caleb was put on Zantac for reflux. He is such a great baby but I could tell his burps were starting to bug him. He seems much better not that he is on the meds. He is also super strong. He can roll from his tummy to his back and has been since he was 2 weeks old. He has great head control already. He is a really sweet baby.

Bath time is is favorite. I can put him into the tub crying and he will stop as soon as he hits the water.

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