I reorganized Ben and Jacob's toys yesterday. After the big birthday things just didn't have a place anymore :) I was very excited about the new organization but my family was not exactly on the same page as me with showing their excitement so I thought I would show you :)

These baskets remained the same although the contents changed a bit. The top two are now cars. One for the "friend" cars and one for the other cars. The bottom box is for mis. toys (drum's, food, bugs . . . )

The Lincoln logs moved to the bottom basket and the top basket remained with the train

This is my favorite part. All the toys are nicely organized and not to crazily out in the open. The crayons, coloring books, sticker books and paper are in a bin and Jacob's toys are in another. The table fits perfectly in the closet which will be great for protecting or floors :)

The dino's are back in their box under the crib along with the lego's and the army guys

Teh books and puzzles are in under bed boxes that are easily pulled out from under Ben's bed

My organization has failed however with the little books. I have not thought of a place to put them and I hate to stuff them in the basement because I know they will not get read very much. They are right now stuffed in the wood end table :) If anyone has any ideas for me let me know. I would love to put them in the boys room but since they are all different sizes they just don't look that cute on a bookshelf and there really is not room to put one anyway.
So that was my new organization. Very exciting for me :) I also organized Jacob's clothes. If he stays the same size for awhile he will have quite a few fall/winter clothes of Ben's in 6/9 but I think that he will be in 9/12 before we know it which is all summer. I also decided to put all the burp clothes on the hanger behind the boys door. So that is the excitement at the Nast house
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