Jacob is 6 months old (and 2 days), or 183.08 days, or 4393.92 hours, or 263635.2 minutes, 15818112 Seconds old. A lot has happened in the past six months.
Jacob has gone from around 7 pounds after birth to about 18 1/2 today.
He has learned to smile, roll over, sit, laugh, eat cereal and lots of different foods.
He has had tons of tests done at the doctor for his reflux.
He has learned to tolerate his yucky zantac.
He has slept through the night 2x (hopefully at 7 months I will be able to add a lot to that number)
He found his thumb
He now loves to talk
He has learned how to drink from both a sippy cup and a bottle.
He loves to jump in his jumperoo and sit in his saucer
He has made mom get a huge mat for the floor to try and prevent all the excess spit up on the carpet
A lot of other stuff has happened in our lives since Jake was born as well.

Most importantly Ben is potty trained (I would say he is fully trained except for the temporary set back we had last week0
Our house is for sale again
Josh actually comes home from work at a normal time
Ben is almost 3
Our house is getting smaller and smaller by the moment
Our family is amazing :)
and looking at the pictures we are all much tanner
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