Jake had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy late January. That kind of took up most of the month. He was kind of a bad patient but the goal was for him to sleep better. I am still in debate that happened as a result.

Sweet little Jacob turned 3. What an amazing little boy he is. We had (as usually) lots of celebrations.
Ben had a very fun kindergarten valentines day party
We had lots and lots of snow which resulted in a snow day or two.

We had a beautiful sunny day early in the month so we headed to the park with the boys. They were so happy to be outside after all the days of being cooped up in the house.
Ben fell and split his chin causing him to get his first set of stitches.
Ben lost his first tooth. The tooth fairy was very good to him.
Jake had lot of fun at a sports class he took through the city of Troy.
Caleb and I had a fun trip to Alabama with my Mom and Dad to see Meg and CT.
Ben and Jake had their first horseback riding experience.
Caleb turned 1. He was all over the cake thing J

We started off the month celebrating the most amazing day in the Christian life, Easter.
We took Jacob to the elephant zoo over spring break. It was a great trip!
Caleb learned to walk
Both Dad and Karen celebrated their 60th birthdays.
We had a fun surprise party for Dad.
Jacob finally got potty trained!!!

I didn’t blog much in may although I know there was a lot that happened.
Anyway, Ben had a fun run that had to be inside because of the weather but the kids had fun.
There was a fun awards night for sparks. So proud of Ben and all the verses he learned.
Oh, I also had a birthday J
The kindergartners had a little performance called the spring fling.

June started out with a concert from Ben’s choir at Church
Ben took a tennis class through the city of Troy. He learned a lot during that class.
Ben finished Kindergarten. There was lots of fun and parties the last week of school.
We had another round of horseback riding. So fun and SO cute.

July started off with our usually fireworks display at Lincoln hills. The kids all enjoyed them this year!!
We had a fun family day spent outside having fun with the kids.

We spent the hot days of summer outside or in a pool as much as we could (especially since we didn’t have Air Conditioning for most of the summer)
Ben learned so goofy new tricks (becoming spider man on the walls in our living room)
Another one of our favorite weeks of summer happened, On Goal Soccer. It was a blast for all of us and Ben learned so much both soccer wise as well as spiritually.
Ben finished up his baseball season.
Ben also turned 6
At the end of the month Ben had his Tonsils and Adenoids out and Caleb had tubes put in. Ben’s recovery was MUCH better than Jacob’s was.

Labor day weekend was spent golfing J Ben had so much fun playing an actual round of golf with his Dad.
Ben started first Grade and LOVED every second of it
Jake also started kindergarten and like Ben loved it!

We had a trip to Westview orchards with Jacob’s preschool class. It was a beautiful day so we took advantage of it and enjoyed the time outside.
Halloween was once again a blast in our cute neighborhood although it was quite cold this year.

We were able to head to Indiana for Uncle Dan’s election. We had so much fun and Ben was surprised to learn that he did in fact have cousins J The process brought back a ton of memories from when we were kids.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Coats this year. It was fun although we had a bit of the stomach flu around the house. It was nice to be able to spend some time with Meg and CT.

December was filled with celebrations of Jesus’ birth. It was an amazing month.
We had a great year, I am looking forward to see what God has in store for our family in 2011. I am so comforted to know that God has a great plan for each of our lives. So thankful to be a follower of Jesus Christ!!
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