We ventured away from our traditions this year and decided to see Santa at Bass Pro. They really do have a great set up for the whole thing and it was a lot of fun (it may be our new tradition). While one parent waited in line there was all sorts of stuff for the kids to do, Coloring pictures, playing games, driving cars, playing with fake snow, shooting guns . . . The boys were completely entertained.

The boys getting a little shooting practice in.

Trying out the fun chairs
And finally the visit with the big man.

Caleb was not a big fan but put up with him for the sake of a picture. Ben commented after that Santa's beard was different from last year. I think that this will probably be the last year that we have all three boys believing in santa. It is kind of sad to me however we have never really made a huge deal out of santa so I am sure it will still be just as fun next year.
On the way home we stopped for some lunch at steak and shake. Jake was a little tired out from the day's events.

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