On October 25 Jake was running from the family room to the kitchen. I guess he didn't lift his foot high enough while running and tripped and hit the top of the foot on the step. He was really tired and I just assumed he was fine so I put him down for his nap. He woke up before we had to pick Ben up from school. He was still complaining that it hurt and was barely walking around. When we got to school he wouldn't get out of the stroller. It was at this point I knew that something was up. After school Ben had a friend over and Jake just kind of sat around. I then was the annoying mom and called the ped's after hours phone line (even though the injury happened around 12:00 and I had all day to call them, I waited till 6:00 to call). Anyway, they told me I could wait to the morning and go see them but most likely they would just send me for an x-ray or I could go the ER or a clinic. I chose the clinic option although they warned me to make sure the scan would be read by a radiologist. Anyway, as soon as I got to the clinic Jake was just fine and running around. (I figured that was 42.50 down the drain). They still went ahead and xrayed him since he cringed when they touched a certian point of his foot. Anyway, the report was that all was good.
The next day Jake seemed fine although he would only wear his rain boots and was walking on the side of his foot.
While I was teaching in the evening I got a phone call from a doctor at the clinic asking me to call him back. On my way home I called and his report was that the foot was fractured and Jake needed to stay off of it until he could get to an Orthopedic. (much easier said than done).
Luckily I was able to get into a Orthobedic on the 27th. After waiting for several long hours we saw the Dr. that confirmed Jacob had a Buckle fracture in his foot. (the bone running up from his toe). I could either keep him in a sturdy shoe basically all the time for three weeks and limit his activity or cast him for three weeks. (There was no question in my mind of what should be done).
So, we were off to the casting room to pick a color.

Here is what he picked. I have to say it really was a cute little cast :)

One last picture of the cast before it came off today (November 15th)

Jacob was really scared to get the cast off. He was worried that they were going to saw his leg. Anyway there was lots and lots of screaming and finally the cast was off.

And here is the dirty leg cast free. :)
We had another x-ray and his little bone is completely healed!! I was warned that he would be a little stiff for awhile as he adjusted to walking on his foot again. Poor Jake can't figure out what is going on. At one point today he told me that we needed to go back because they forgot to fix his foot and it still hurt. I am sure he will be running again by tomorrow afternoon. He has not limitations and I was told to just let him go as his own pace no matter how fast or slow it may be.
And that is the story of our first cast. I am surprised it took over 6 years for one to appear. I am sure it won't be the last with my crew.
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