I have no idea how it is already been 6 years that we have been blessed with Ben. How is it that time goes so fast. We had a super fun Lego party this year to celebrate his amazing 6 years. Ben invited lots of friends and it seemed like everyone had a blast.
Ben helped me decorate in primary lego colors.

The reverse of this sign held pin the "e" on Benjamin (using LEGO letters of course)

Ben and Andrew outside the front door

The cake that melted and slid everywhere

Before the party started Ben hid bags of LEGO's around the yard. As the kids gathered around we had them all "search" for the LEGO bags. Once they were found the kids then took part in a building contest. I was amazed at how quiet it became when everyone was building. Even the "little kid" table seemed to be quite quiet.

The sweet little ones. Are they cute or what? Jake has some pretty amazing friends as well.
After the building contest I tried to get a picture of every kid with their creation and Ben. I think that I got almost all of the big kids.

Andrew W




Andrew G


Jacob F

*not pictured are: Madison, Eli, and the little kids (Jacob N, Abby, Kayleigh, Aaron, Bryce and Noah) as well as the babies, Caleb (who slept the entire time) Annalyse and Elyse.

We also had a LEGO shaped pinata

The cake that was impossible to light because of the wind.

Opening gifts. He was so happy
So thankful for Ben and all of the sweet friends that he has. I am so thankful for all the kids he has in his life.
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