Ben was able to participate in On Goal soccer again this year. On Goal is a great Christian organization that teaches kids some cool soccer stuff as well as a lot about Christ. They focus on Godly character both on the field and off. The coaches are from all over the world and are all great soccer players. For more information on On Goal click
hereBen's camp was from Tuesday - Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Each day they started off playing soccer against their coaches before the large group assembly. During the assembly they would get excited for the day. Have some announcements. Practice their verses and probably lots of other stuff that I don't have any idea about.
Then they were off to practice their skill of the day. At some point during the day they broke into their small groups to have some Bible time. Here is Ben's group during Bible time the first day.

Jake and Caleb as alwasy tagged along and got to hang out on the fields. The boys were such troopers. I helped to organize the meals for the staff so I wanted to make sure everything was running smoothely around lunch time so we were at the field extra early most days.

Ben had lots of Fun with Autumn Simon at camp. She is a sweet girl and Ben seems to think she is awesome :)

Jake (as just about any 3 year old I know would be) was memorized by the giant hill. He spent a lot of time climbing up the hill and then back down again.

Sometimes he would wonder off with his girlfriends. I didn't think there was anything wrong with them wondering around but apparently Josh didn't think that was such a good idea.

At the very end of the day the kids would gather around for another assembly. The kids in Ben's group learned a verse from 1 John. Each day one or two kids tried to say the verse in front of the whole group. Ben said it in record time. He does an amazing job memorizing verses.

After verses were said a Total player from each team was announced. On Thursday night Ben had not yet been the Total player. He told me, "I have not been total player yet Mom but that's okay because I am still available on Friday and Saturday" Ben has that super happy crazy boy grin on his face. The smile that only comes out when he is super excited and proud of himself. I love it!!

Going through the Total player tunnel

Saturday of Camp is the Final day as well as the day that parents watched. They kids play in a world cup game (each team was a different country). They had a ton of fun and at this age were not all that much into the competition of the whole thing.

Ben being a goofball

Ben's team at the awards ceremony.

This week we were also able to host 2 of the coaches at the camp. I had a ton of fun having some girls around the house and hopefully we were able to keep them comfortable. They were such sweet girls and I have decided that I love people being able to stay at our house. I love hosting things and people. Must be one of my gifts. Anyway, they were both named Katie and the boys thought it was so fun to have them around!!