Anyway, their play was "over in the meadow" and Ben was a lizard. The parents came up with costumes. (Have I mentioned that Kindergarten is full of mom homework?) So, we converted the dragon costume into a lizard and poor Ben roasted for the play. He looked cute though :)

lived Old Mother Turtle and her little turtle One.
"dig," said the mother. "I dig" said the one.
So they dug all day in the sand in the sun.
Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue
lived Old Mother Fish and her little fishes Two.
"swim" said the mother. "We swim," said the two.
So they swam all day where the stream runs blue.
Over in the meadow in a hole in a tree
lived Old mother owl and her little owls Three.
"Tu-whooo," sait the mother. "we Tu-whoo" said the three.
So they Tuwhooted all day in a hole in a tree.
Over in the meadow by the old barn door
Lived Old Mother Rat and her little ratties Four.
"Gnaw" said the mother. "We Gnaw" said the four.
So they gnawed all day by the old barn door.
Over in the meadow in a suup beehive
lived Old mother Bee in her little bees Five.
"Buzz, said the mother. "we Buzz," said the five
So they buzzed all day in a snug beehive.
Over in the meadow in a next made of sticks
lived old mother duck and her little ducks six.
"Quack," said the mother. "we quack" said the six.
So they quacked all day in a nest made of sticks.
Over in the meadwo in a green grass heaven
lived Old Mother Frog and her little froggies Seven.
"Jump," said the mother. "We jump" said the seven.
So they jumped all day in a green grass heaven.
Over in the meadow by the old, mossy gate
lived Old Mother Lizard and her little lizards eight.
"Bask" said the mother. "We Bask" said the eight.
So they basked all day by the old mossy gate.
Over in the meadow by the old scotch pine
lived Old Mother Worm and her little worms Nine.
"Wiggle" said the mother. "we wiggle," said the nine.
So they wiggled all day by the old scotch pine.
Over in the meadow in a cozy wee den
lived Old Mother Rabbit and her little rabbits Ten.
"Twitch" said the mother. "we twitch," said the ten.
So they twitched all day in a cozy, wee den.
Obviously Ben's group said the part about the lizard. The play was super cute and made me laugh because the entire gym was filled with parents and when the play started about 5000000 cameras shot up in the air :) It also cracked me up because all these pepoele were there for something that lasted no more than 15 min. Oh, the joys of kindergarten.
May 27, 2010
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