I thought I was so organized and missed nothing but, I did, I missed Field Day!!!
The Kindergarners had their own field day this year. I think it was such a good way to do it so that they were not so overwhelmed by the whole concept of field day in itself. Anyway, It was lots of fun and the day was not super hot so that was super helpful as well.
Each class participated in all the events and they were so cute!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So, I realize that I have completely neglected my poor blog. I guess life has gotten away from me lately. Be assured I currently have 13 posts in process. Get ready for lots of pictures and lots of fun commentary (hopefully)
fam day
July 5th Josh had the day off of work since the 4th was on a Sunday. We spent the day having some family fun in the back yard. We filled out our little pool and the water guns and had a blast.

The hunt is on who will Ben get.

The hunt is on who will Ben get.
As is tradition, we went to see the Birmingham fireworks right down the street from mom and dads. Obviously they don't start until late and when my boys are overtired their reaction is to jump around and get super hyper. Below are some of the results from their trying to stay awake.

Kreative Kids Day Camp. (basically our church's VBS) It is always a blast and they do such an amazing job with the kids. I volunteered to direct the nursery this year and it was as much fun as you can have with 12 kids under the age of 2 for 8 hours a day for 5 days :) No really it was fun and I got to get to know some other women in the church much better. We have a pretty good system going by the end of the week with the little ones and had a blast getting to know all the babies personalities.

Look at my cute little man

Ben's group sang a song as well and did a great job.
Here he is looking for us. Aparently his hands do a really good job of making binoculars.
Ben was involved in the acutal camp. The keep the kids really busy. I am not exactly sure what all their day entails but I do know they started off their mornings in the sanctuary singing and praising the Lord. At some point durning they day they then went outside and played on some huge inflatables, when to mucic, art, chapel, creative movement and had Lots and lots of fun!!!
The last evenging of camp, the kids put on a show to show off all they have learned throughout the week. The very cool thing is that the emphasis, while learning cool stuff is to learn to be more like Jesus.
Jacob was in the mini camp which is a camp for kids whose parents are volunteering at the camp. Anyway, they make their camps super fun as well and keep all the kids VERY busy!!!
Jacob got to sing a little song for the ending preformance as well. He sang everymove you make. if you want to see more check out my friend Natalie's blog. You can see Jake in the last two clips.

Look at my cute little man

Ben's group sang a song as well and did a great job.

we loved camp. The day after it was all done Jake came running into my room in the morning and said, "mom lets get up and get dressed at go to camp at church". He was very disappointed when he didn't get to go because it was all over.
June 24, 2010
Horse Back Riding
In an effort to make Ben a very well rounded child, he is also taking some horseback riding lessons this summer. Let me tell you, the kids is a natural ;) Before the lessons the boys "needed" to feed the animals at the petting zoo.
Notice that Jacob is wearing his bike helmet. He rememberd from a trail ride he had been on before that you needed to wear a helmet to be on the horses. Since it was not quite his turn yet they wanted to save the little helmet unless someone came in for a lesson before his turn. He was insistant and fortunately we had the helmet in the car.

Last day of school
Here is Ben on his way to his last day of Kingergarten. Seariously, where did the year go.
If you would like to compare, here he is on his first day of Kindergarten as well as his last day of preschool.

Notice that the training wheels are off the bike (he is also going the wrong direction but he was ready way too early so he was just riding around)

Notice that the training wheels are off the bike (he is also going the wrong direction but he was ready way too early so he was just riding around)
One of the mom's took a pic or two of Ben with Mrs. G and as soon as I see them I will add it to this. For some reason it never occured to me to bring my camera after school. I got the before school part covered though.
To celebrate school being over we too Ben and a few of his buddies to see Toy Story 3. It was a great afternoon and the boys had a blast!!!
June 18, 2010
End of year party
The end of the year party was super cute (again, like all things Wass). Anyway, the kids were able to use the large courtyard in the middle of the circle drive and have a very relaxing, fun party. They all received a beach ball and then proceeded to each sign eachother's balls. Very fun, and it will be a great keepsake for them. (I am especially thankful that it was a ball that can be deflated because it will be easily stored with all the kingergarten memories)

Jacob and his sweet girlfriend

Ben's sweet class. Seariously it was a great class and Mrs. Gadladge did a great job with all the students. One of the mom's arranged for a gift for Mrs. G. Each of the children were to bring in their handprints and then sign them. The mom then made a very cool blanket for out of them. It was very cool!!
Then year was great. Ben learned a ton and matured a lot this year. He also made some really good friends!!

Ben's sweet class. Seariously it was a great class and Mrs. Gadladge did a great job with all the students. One of the mom's arranged for a gift for Mrs. G. Each of the children were to bring in their handprints and then sign them. The mom then made a very cool blanket for out of them. It was very cool!!
Then year was great. Ben learned a ton and matured a lot this year. He also made some really good friends!!
June 17, 2010
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