Today was the annual Wass Elementary fun run. This being our first experience it was lots of fun. It is a fund raiser for the school sponsored by the PTO. The kids ask for people to sponsor them per lap they run or give a set donation. Anyway, the event is suppose to be run on the track outside of the school however, it poured rain all day long today. So, the run was held inside. Each child had a tag on their backs and everytime they passed the class flag they had a number crossed off their back (it was how they kept track of the laps each child ran).
Anyway, it was a mob of children running and everyone seemed to have lots of fun.

I realize it is hard to tell but that white blob is Ben running at top speed

Here is ben apparently picking his nose while running? He is also playing with his very loose top tooth

Go Ben Go

Towards the end of the run

Ben's sweet friend Jacob

Finally done and able to sit down

Look how cute they all are

Another shot of Jacob who told me he was very tired

Mr. Red Face.
The kids ran for 20 min (that is a long time for a little kid I think)
During that time Ben ran 39 laps which if it were run on the normal track would be 13 laps which equals 1.625 miles.
I think Ben did an awesome job!!!
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