Our sweet Caleb turned one yesterday. He is an amazing blessing to our family. He has the sweetest personality. He loves to give hugs. He knows what he wants and will do anything to get it. He loves and adores his brothers (except when they are sitting on my lap). He talks a little. He can take several steps but shows no real signs on wanting to walk. He eats anything we give him. He loves his fuzzy blanket (that used to be Nana's). He rarely cries. He is obsessed with stairs and toilets (he loves to play in the water). He is truely a gift and I am so blessed to have him.
He started out life at 8lbs 11oz. Since that time he has gained 14 pounds and weighed in today at 22lbs 10 oz (50%) he is 30inches tall (50%) and his head is 47cm (75%).
We celebrated his birthday yesterday on his actual day. Here are some pictures from the big cake!!

Our sweet family of five

That looks so good

Oh I can touch it?

Maybe this belongs on Opi and Jake's face

Oh, now I see what I am suppose to do. This stuff is really good.

Better lick my lips to get some more

Jake liked it too

Did I do a good enough job getting it all in?
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