The first injury of "summer" has occured. (I realize it is no where near summer but we were at the park)
The boys spent the afternoon down at the school playing on the playgounds. I told them that we could go to "all" the parks. At the last one Ben missed his step and fell from the highest location at all of Wass (of course). So I was stranded at the park with 3 kids, a stroller, and a bike. Really it was not that bad but it seemed as though I would never get home. In an effort to get Ben to not Freak out I completely downplayed the large amounts of blood that were running from his chin. Fortunately Josh was home so I called him and he met us part of the way making the walk home much easier.
When we got home this is what we found on the chin.

After much consultation over email with Karen and Linda is was determined that stitches were in order. For some reason I was talked into taking Caleb with Ben and I to the clinic. Now if you know Ben at all you may know that he is a bit of a scardy cat. The mere thought of having us cut his toenails sends him into hysterics. I was very nervous about what the prospect of stitches would do to him. Overall he was very brave. It only took a little coaxing and the promise of a "treat" to get him to lay down and let the stiches happen.

And here are the three beautiful stiches that he received.

And look at the cool star wars band aids we picked up. He will get to sport a new Star Wars guys on his chin everyday for 7 days.