We had our first school halloween party and it was lots of fun. Jake was excited that he would be able to go to school with Ben and Ben was super excited to be able to dress up. Caleb was not a huge fan of the whole ordeal because it meant being in his carseat longer but he put up with it.
The party was a huge success. Ben was the cuttest Luke Skywalker (in the x-wing fighter costume becuase he is the #1 Jedi).

It was cute to see Ben with all of his classmates and to realize that even the simplest things like playing pass the spider make kindergarteners so happy.
The party started by lots of mom's helping kindergartners put on costumes. The kids were then picked up by Dr. VanDenBerg the principal and were off on their journey. Ben's class was able to stop by every class in thes school to pick them up for the parade. The kids then made their way ouside where they then circled the circle drive 3 times.

Lot's of cameras were flashing and the kids and teachers all looked like they were having lots of fun. It was then off the the classrooms for the big party.
Here is Ben's class such cute kids huh?

BOTTOM ROW starting left: Hannah (cowgirl), Jack (knight in shing armor) Maddauh (Princess), Navah (princess), Alan (Pirate)
MIDDLE ROW starting left: Kenneth (Ninga), Ben (luke Skywalker), Kristen (Vampire), Jacob (Transformer), Kian (Transformer), Hibbah (Spanish Princess) Andrew (Astronaut),
TOP ROW starting left: Sydney (witch), Shahab (Ninga),Dylan (Dragan), Matthew (Black Spider Man), Kevin (firefighter)
VERY TOP: Mrs. Gadladge (black kitty cat with a tail)
fyi I totallt butchered most of those names I dont have a class list to go off of