Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Birth Story

I have tried to write out my birth story for all three boys (I need to figure out where it is for the other two however). Anyway, every birth has been different but amazing so . . . Here is Caleb birth story.

7:30 I woke up and realized that I didn't feel right again. My head was really spinney and I was kind of seeing spots and I had a headache. I slept really well the night before so I didn't think that it was lack of sleep. I went downstairs (with the boys) and had a nutritious breakfast and drank lots of water. After about an hour I realized I was still not feeling any better. I just kep on going however thinking that I would 'wake up' soon. By about 10:00 it was obvious to me that I needed to call the Dr and see what he wanted me to do. So I called mom and Josh to warn them of what was going on. I called Dr. Bart and he wanted me to go up to the hospital to be checked out again. I truely thought I would be home later in the day. I even had Mom just drop me off at the hospital and go back home with the boys. My blood pressure was up a bit but not as high as before. They also did blood work, monitored the baby, check to see how far dilated I was (2) ultrasound baby to check my fluids and made sure there was no protein in my urine. Dr. Bart finally decided that since I am not a complainer it was time to get the baby out. He was obviously starting to cause some issues in me and Dr. Bart wanted to make sure that I didn't go into full preeclampsia (which is kind of were it looked as though my body was going). So I called Mom and Josh and had everyone head over towards the hospital. I knew it was still going to be awhile but I wanted to make sure that everyone was somewhat close.

3:00 - I finally had all my tubes hooked up to me. Here is a list of everything I was on.
1. I was put on a Magnesium Sulfide drip for the preeclampsia. Let me tell you this is nasty stuff. It basically works to make sure your body is not to rigid causing you to become truely eclamptic. The drug also makes you instantly feel warm. I think that I was making everyone freeze that was in the room with me because I was so hot all the time. Since it is such a yucky drug, I had to have a catheter in to make sure my kidneys were working properly. They had to make sure that was was going in was also coming back out of me. It definitely made for a different labor since I couldn't get out of bed at all.
2. I had to be on pitocian to get the contractions moving. However by 3:00 I had already dialated to 3 and was having regular contractions on my own. I didn't feel them at all though. I was pretty shocked when Dr. Bart told me I had progressed this far all on my own.
3. I had tested positive for Group B Strep so I needed to have at least 2 doses of Penicylin before I gave birth so that was another tube hooked up to my IV line.
4. Finally they were pumping fluids into my body (although not a lot).

4:30 For about an hour and a half or so I was feeling great. I was not really in a lot of pain but I was feeling some contractions. I sat up in bed because my back was killing me and at that point my contractions stopped all together. Well actually they didn't stop but I didn't feel them at all. I think that was having back labor and was thinking that the pain in my back was from being in bed with the big belly and not from contractions. My blood pressure was back down in the normal range by 4:30 and I was starting to see less spots. It was kind of hard to tell how much better I was feeling because the Mag was making me feel so yucky.

6:00 Dr Bart checked me. I was still feeling pretty good but was dilated to 4-5. They took this as a sign that I didn't have much longer to go so they started to prep the room for delivery. I told Dr. Bart when he came in that I would like to have a baby by 9:00. He laughed at me and said that somehow since I can read my body so well that will probably happen. I think that it was around this time that the grandparents all started showing up.

6:30 the pain started coming. This is when I think that active labor really started. It was only coming with every other contraction but according to the monitor I was contracting every 2 min and the level was off the paper. It was at this point I finally asked for some drugs. Dr. Bart told me I could have an epidural but the Anesthesia dept was a little concerned because of the Mag they wanted to take another blood sample to make sure all was ok before they gave me any other drugs. In the mean time I had some Nubian which is a great drug it seems to relax you. It seems like it was only a few min later that more people walked in my room for the Epidural. I guess they got the lab results back fast.

7:00 I had the epidural and was feeling much better. I was able to joke around. We were taking bets on when the baby would arrive. I bet 7:57 but really should have stuck with my 9:00.

Anyway around 8:25 or so Dr. Bart came in a checked me. I was 7 and 100% effaced. We all knew it would not be long at this point. As soon as he left the grandparents started coming back in but I kicked them out because I started feeling pretty bad. I threw up several times at this point. (that was a first during labor for me). About 25 min later I knew it was time to push. It was strange though because I was really quiet and didn't want to open my eyes at all this time. I think that was the Mag in me.

9:00 Started pushing. I was joking around with the Dr's and smiling that I would get to meet my new addition soon.

9:11pm Caleb arrived. I felt so much more in control of pushing this time. I just seemed slower and much more controlled than my other pushing experiences. I know that sounds strange since it was only 11 min worth of pushing but with Jacob I pushed one time for the head and one time for the rest of the body and it just seemed to fast for me.

It was another great labor experience. I had to stay on the Mag for 12 hours after delivery and really that was the worst part of the whole thing. I was unable to eat until 9:00 the next AM and I just felt so out of it and weak until the Mag wore off.

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