It has been a crazy weekend and beginning of week. I will try to summarize but who knows how good I will be at that.
Friday and Saturday I was able to go to the Priscilla
Shirer conference at church. My sister had asked me what it was about and I really had no idea. I will take any chance I have to get out of the house, be with other women, and learn more about God so why not just go. It turned out to be very good and I am so thankful I was able to go. To learn more about Priscilla and the conference see the following link (more specifics to come)
Saturday Josh and I went out with the
Hannon's to celebrate our anniversaries. We had a ton of fun catching up with them and celebrating with both of them. I have decided I have the best husband ever. He is so amazing and knows exactly what I need all the time. I am so thankful that God gave him to me and I love how 7 years has flown by and I can't wait for the next 77.
Sunday we celebrated Dad's birthday which is actually today. Ben's favorite thing about
Opi is putting his face in the cake at every birthday celebration :) I just think that my Dad is the greatest Dad and am so thankful for him. Happy Birthday Dad.
Monday was our actual anniversary so Josh came home with PF
Changs for dinner and some flowers for me. He dropped a 6 pack of beer in the garage however on his way in and split open his chin. We were thinking he was going to need to visit a clinic of some kind but we butterflied it and stopped the bleeding. Here is a picture of his injury (He is also sad to be one less bottle of Oberon)

Today is actually Dad's To Celebrate Jacob found some of Josh's
migraine pills and maybe ate one. I don't know if we will ever really know but there were three and now there are two. So, off to the ER Ben, Jake, Caleb and I went. The monitored Jacob for 4 hours (let me tell you 4 hours with three kids under 5 in an emergency room is not all that fun) and he seems to be fine. Thankfully that crisis was averted and our little man is looking good. Here is a picture of Jacob hooked up to the monitors looking very cute if you ask me.

It is has been a crazy week hopefully the rest of the week was be fun but without any more injuries or ER visits :)
Edited to add a few classic comments by Ben at our ER visit:
One the way to the hospital I was explaining to Ben that we had to take Jacob to the hospital because he might of eaten a pill and that he could get very sick from doing that. Ben asked if Jacob was going to die (to somewhat scare him into obeying) I told him that we needed to take him to make sure he would not die (somewhat true right?). Anyway on the way (all 2 miles) Jacob fell asleep in the backseat. Ben asked "mommy I think that Jake is dead" I told him that he was just sleeping but he insisted that he was in fact dead. When we went to get out of the car Jacob opened his eyes and Ben said "well I guess Jake is not dead". I don't think that he really understands death. I guess a four year old shouldn't.
when we were checking in one of the nurses thought that Ben was Jacob. She looked at Ben and asked him to come over so that she could put the bracelet on him. I said that Jacob was the one on my lap, Ben said "I am Ben the talkative one" isn't that the truth :)