Friday, May 23th
Meg told me that she was going to take me out for my Birthday. Our first stop was Starbucks so that was and is always a great treat. After that she told me we were going to Margot's a spa in Birmingham. I thought it was kind of an expensive gift from Meg but assumed that either Josh or Mom were involved somehow. I walked in and when they took me back to the room for a Manicure and Pedicure Erika and Carolyn were there. It was a great surprise!!!! After the wonderful pampering they girls told me that they wanted to go to see our new house. We headed out down Big Beaver and Carolyn turned around in the wrong spot. We then stopped at Melting pot. At this point I knew that something was up. As we walked inside 11 of the greatest friends were there to have dinner and say Happy Birthday. What a great surprise. Our little room that we ate in was filled with balloons and Carolyn had a crown and necklace for me in the car. The crown said Birthday princess which I gladly wore all night long and the necklace said 30 :). It was so much fun and great food too. After dinner we went to a movie. It was a great night and so much fun. I am so blessed by all of my great friends especially for Carolyn who planned the whole event for me :)
Saturday, May 24th
I woke up very tired very early to head to a morning of teaching at Goldfish. Josh took the boys to the zoo and they had a great time here are some pictures
from their adventure.
Meg told me that she was going to take me out for my Birthday. Our first stop was Starbucks so that was and is always a great treat. After that she told me we were going to Margot's a spa in Birmingham. I thought it was kind of an expensive gift from Meg but assumed that either Josh or Mom were involved somehow. I walked in and when they took me back to the room for a Manicure and Pedicure Erika and Carolyn were there. It was a great surprise!!!! After the wonderful pampering they girls told me that they wanted to go to see our new house. We headed out down Big Beaver and Carolyn turned around in the wrong spot. We then stopped at Melting pot. At this point I knew that something was up. As we walked inside 11 of the greatest friends were there to have dinner and say Happy Birthday. What a great surprise. Our little room that we ate in was filled with balloons and Carolyn had a crown and necklace for me in the car. The crown said Birthday princess which I gladly wore all night long and the necklace said 30 :). It was so much fun and great food too. After dinner we went to a movie. It was a great night and so much fun. I am so blessed by all of my great friends especially for Carolyn who planned the whole event for me :)
Saturday, May 24th
I woke up very tired very early to head to a morning of teaching at Goldfish. Josh took the boys to the zoo and they had a great time here are some pictures
from their adventure.

After the zoo adventure and swimming we headed over to the Nast's to celebrate. It was lots of fun and Karen got me the greatest bedding for our new master Bedroom. I was/am so excited about it :) (If you remember my yellow bedding a few posts ago that is it) It was very fun to see everyone and the boys had a blast playing in the back yard. Oh I forgot to mention that I proudly wore my crown and necklace again.
Sunday, May 25th
We decided to not go to church so that we could stay home and get started on the packing. It is time since we have less than a month until our projected move date. So we started some packing in the morning and then headed to the Coats for another party. Again I was wearing the crown and necklace. It was fun as always to spend time with my family. My sisters are the greatest :)
After the party is was back to packing the basement!!!
Monday, May 26th
Probably the least amount of celebrating happened on this day. We woke up bright and early at 6:30 and the boys took me to breakfast. It was very fun. They we stopped at Meijer to look for some boxes and then off to GAC's to see the kitty's. We dropped Ben off at my parents so that he could go be in a parade with them and we took Jacob home to do some packing. luckily Jacob slept the entire time Ben was gone so we got a lot done. I was rather grumpy however. It is not the most fun to be packing in a basement on your birthday. We had a picnic in the afternoon with our Sunday school class which was fun. It is kink of a crazy picnic now with all the kids running all over the place. In a few years we will be playing softball games I am sure. It was still a nice day and it was beautiful outside so that was nice. We came home and packed some more. We still have tons to do but it was nice to get a good start on everything.
We decided to not go to church so that we could stay home and get started on the packing. It is time since we have less than a month until our projected move date. So we started some packing in the morning and then headed to the Coats for another party. Again I was wearing the crown and necklace. It was fun as always to spend time with my family. My sisters are the greatest :)
After the party is was back to packing the basement!!!
Monday, May 26th
Probably the least amount of celebrating happened on this day. We woke up bright and early at 6:30 and the boys took me to breakfast. It was very fun. They we stopped at Meijer to look for some boxes and then off to GAC's to see the kitty's. We dropped Ben off at my parents so that he could go be in a parade with them and we took Jacob home to do some packing. luckily Jacob slept the entire time Ben was gone so we got a lot done. I was rather grumpy however. It is not the most fun to be packing in a basement on your birthday. We had a picnic in the afternoon with our Sunday school class which was fun. It is kink of a crazy picnic now with all the kids running all over the place. In a few years we will be playing softball games I am sure. It was still a nice day and it was beautiful outside so that was nice. We came home and packed some more. We still have tons to do but it was nice to get a good start on everything.
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