Here is a brief update on what is going on:
Ben still loves school and Cubbies. He is missing his Daddy during Tax season but they write each other notes everyday on a white board which is helping and is fun for Ben. They also have a calender with Smiley faces on the days that Daddy will be home which is also pretty fun for Ben. We keep busy with Church, school and swimming. It helps make the weeks go by a little faster. One of the first days that Josh had to stay late at work Ben would not eat dinner because Daddy was not home. It was very cute. He then cried when he had to go to bed and daddy was not here to tuck him in.Jacob
Jacob is almost one which I cannot believe. I am so much not believing it that I have done nothing for a party for him. (that is my goal of the week). He is cruising around all the furniture but really does not have that much of a desire to walk yet. He is so happy all the time and loves to give really big smiles. He is finally getting over a pretty bad ear infection. He had such a bad one and since he is so good I didn't know for a long time. The Dr. kind of thought I was crazy when I went in and said "I think he has an infection in his right ear, he has no fever, no runny nose, no cough he just pulls on it" I was right :) Jacob's favorite thing right now is hair. He loves to get his hands on anyones hair that will let him (watch out if you are ever holding him). His first animal noise is a dino thanks to his brother. It is quite cute that he will start to "roar" like a dino for us :). He is not at all fazed by his daddy being gone but is so happy to see him when he is home.
Josh is doing well. He is FINALLY over his 3 month long cold/bronchitis spell. He is getting used to the busy season schedule. He is doing a really good job of helping me out on weekends with the boys when he is home. He is also doing a good job of helping Ben understand why he is gone so much right now.
I am busy as always with my two jobs and being a Mom and Dad Monday - Thursday. My job at church is going really well and I really enjoy it. My swimming is fun although Saturday's are really long. I am sure I will get used to it but for now it is a long day. I really miss Josh. I just like to spend time with my husband and it takes me awhile to adjust to him being gone. My bumps are pretty much all gone which is great and I am starting to feel much better.
Here are some cute pic's of Jacob showing off his big teeth.
Here are some cute pic's of Jacob showing off his big teeth.

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