Poor Jacob has had a rough time lately. His personality is amazing but he DOES NOT SLEEP!!!! After lots of trial and error we determined (well we really think) that he has/had sleep apnea. There are two possible fixes for apena in children. 1. Allergy med's to reduce the tonsils/adenoids. 2. adenoidectomy/Tonsillectomy. Well the allergy med's didn't work so this past Monday out they came. His adenoids were quite enlarged and we figured (with some medical advice) that if the adenoids were coming out the tonsils should come out two. Why risk the possibility of going through 2 surgery when really it could all be done at once.
Jake was super funny before the surgery. He was up and ready to go. He knew he was going to Dr. Nowak and that he was going to take a nap with her. That is about it. Really how do you explain surgery to a 3 year old? When we got to uni-source at 7:00 Jake walked into the waiting room and said "oh hi fish, look mom there is football on TV" Everyone was cracking up. He then took his train to his room and played and played (until the sedative they gave him kicked in). When Dr. Nowak walked in (just before surgery) he said "hi Dr. Nowak" He was such a trooper.
After surgery he was amazing. He wanted me to hold him but he was eating and drinking immediately. We even got to go home after 45 min. instead of 2 hours. When we got home I gave him some Tylenol with Codeine. He doesn't' react well to codeine apparently. I was kind of thinking that it would help him fall asleep and rest off some of the pain. Nope, he was hyperactive, spinning in circles, climbing on furniture and turning rashy. After a call to the Doc. I was advised to not give him anymore of that. I also have had several struggles getting any kind of med's down his throat. I sent mom out in search for a Tylenol or Motrin suppository. I know that soudns horrible but I was thinking that was the only way I was going to get it in him. Well none were to be found but mom did find some Tylenol tabs that dissolve. Those have still been a struggle but at least I can get him to take them. I struggle with the antibiotics but at least he is getting them down most of the time.
It is now Friday night and Jake is better but still not anywhere close to 100%. I am getting rather tired of being inside and ready to get out and do something. Hopefully another few days and he will be back to normal and maybe start sleeping through the night.