Preschool is over for the summer. I am so sad that it is done. It was such a great program and Ben seemed to have so much fun and learned a ton. I personally enjoyed meeting lots of new mom's and forming some great friendships. I really will miss preschool next year. I am excited for kindergarten but preschool really will be missed.
Here are some shots from the big day outside enjoying the big picnic lunch

Ben and Zach are pretty inseparable. I am pretty sure that somehow they have the same brain because they do things together without even telling the other one what they are going to do next.
After the picnic a few of us crazy mom's decided to hit the zoo. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast but it made for a very long day.

This is Ben and Olivia (One of Ben's many girlfriends)

Caleb really enjoyed the Zoo :)

Somehow Ben convinced Honnah and Zach to push him in the stroller :)

Ben, Zach, and Bryce

I think that the kids forgot that there really are animals at the Zoo they were having too much fun together
May 20, 2009