Here are some highlights from the party. . . .
The cake (which Ben told us repeatedly that the Clifford was just a toy it was not to eat) there were also several "imperfections" in the frosting before all the guests arrived, I wonder how those got there?
Somehow my sisters forgot to tell me to put my arm out the window and instead I look like a puppy dog. Anyway we decided that we needed a picture in the house like the boys have.
Pop and Ben at dinner
Ben and Pop after blowing out the candles on the cake
The second video is of Opi putting his face into the cake. It has become an annual thing for Opi to get his face all full of cake but Jacob hated it. He started screaming and instead of helping him I just couldn't stop laughing because, well look at him he looks just like Opi. Just for reference he is tarrified when people put scary things on their face like masks and cake I guess.
The third video is how Ben got all the frosting in his face :) He was actually having lots of fun he just started screaming at the end.