Well it has been an interesting weekend. Josh is finally done with work (although he is going to start studying so not all that much will change).
On Friday night I decided that we would eat on the porch. It was so nice. I can only remember one other time that we have eaten out there. I am not exactly sure why it is a very nice dining experience. I think that we will do that a lot this summer. It helps to control the mess somewhat.

Saturday evening Ben, Jacob and I all got the stomach flu. That was so much fun. I am so thankful for my amazing husband who helped all of us. I don't know what I would do without him.
By Sunday evening we were all feeling much better. Ben loves sitting outside and wants his brother with him all the time. He "let" his brother out and when I went to check on them this is what I found. They are so much fun lately because they are playing together a lot. It is lots of fun to watch.

After dinner on the porch again on Sunday we saw them testing out the fire truck at the end of the street. It was very cool and Ben and Josh went to check it out.

So that was about all the excitement of the weekend. Jacob has another ear infection. Hopefully he will be better soon. He just seems so miserable when he is sick. Poor baby.