I have not posted much this week. We have been busy running around. I will give you an update on what is going on with my boys.
he is always making funny comments
We went to the zoo on Wednesday with Carolyn and Sarah. When we got home Ben was resting and I was folding some laundry. Ben came running into my room and said "mommy, mommy can the giraffe's and tigers and kangaroos come over to our house?" to this I replied why? "because they are hungry and you will make them lunch". He was completely serious. I had told him that he couldn't see the giraffe's today because they were either resting or eating lunch. I guess he took that literally. I had also told him that the zoo was making a new thing so that we could feed the giraffe's I guess he put those two conversations together.
Ben has also started a stuttering stage. I know that it is just a stage and not a problem (long term problem) It is kind of cute. It is like he is trying to get too many words out of his mouth and he just can't for the right ones on time.
I catch myself all the time starting to make fun of him (because it is so cute) but I know that I should not draw attention to it or he will become self conscious of it and it will just increase it.
He is getting bigger and starting to smile more and more. He is a great kid I feel so blessed to have him. He is starting to sleep a little longer at night. It is usually 10:00-3ish and then again at 5ish or so. Some day I will get a full night's sleep :) I think that last night he was actually laughing out loud at Josh. Jacob has also discovered his fingers. He will raise his arms above his head pinch his fingers together and smile at them. Very cute :)
Well that is all for now. No pictures today just an update
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Jacob at 3 months
I know that I post a lot more about Ben than I do about Jacob it is just that Ben is at such a funny stage of life. here are some pic's of our precious Jacob
Here is my beautiful smile. It is hard to catch on camera and this is only 1/2 of one, the camera is kind of strange looking

Mommy got me this contraption so that I can sit up. It helps me get all the burps and spit up out of my mouth. It is also perfect for watching Sesame Street with my big brother. Mommy has been putting it on the table when we eat dinner that way I can feel like part of the family. It is nice to sit down and eat as a family of four. Usually 1/2 through mommy's dinner I realize that I am not getting any food and cry for some for me as well.
Benjamin and the lawn
One of Ben's favorite jobs is to help Daddy mow the lawn. Last night the "big boys" went out to mow the lawn. When I looked out the window to check on them after awhile this is what I saw!
He knows that after the grass is done being mowed he and Daddy pick up the clippings from the sidewalk in the front. I guess Ben wanted to get started early. He was placing a pile of grass clippings in a pile on the fence post
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Benjamin at Work
Last night Ben was having some trouble going to sleep. He had been quiet for a while so I went to check on him, this is what I found!
Ben was nicely reading his Bible book at the End of his bed. Josh and Ben have been reading Bible stories together every night and Ben has been really interested in them. I guess he thought that his new stool was a perfect place for him to read!

After Ben had been asleep for awhile I went to check on him again. I left his room dying laughing. This is how I found him that time.
I guess he just really wanted to sleep with his animals last night (all of his animals)

Finally for those of you who were concerned I cleaned the fish tank yesterday. It is by far my least favorite job that I have. I told Ben that the "sucker fish" scares me because he tries to jump out of the tank. Ben then told me "You don't need to me scared God protects you"
So, here is a nice new picture of the clean tank complete with new blue rocks
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Crazy Hair
Ben went with my mom and Megan to the mall today since I was not feeling well (It was a nice break for me to be able to sleep and rest in a quiet house for awhile).
Anyway, at the mall they pushed Ben up to a mirror and he looked at himself and said "my hair is really a mess". I had not fixed his hair after he slept and it was standing up all over the place.
Anyway, at the mall they pushed Ben up to a mirror and he looked at himself and said "my hair is really a mess". I had not fixed his hair after he slept and it was standing up all over the place.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I took Jacob to Carolyn's house yesterday to have him weighted on her baby scale. Jacob was 12.04lbs. That means he is up 2lbs in a month. (our goal for him was to be 14lbs by 4 months which would be a great rate of growth)
5/9 Funny Comments
Today Ben was full of a bunch of funny comments.
1. We were on my way to my parents house because i had a Dr's appt. On the way Ben said that he wanted to call Opi. At the end of the conversation Ben said "I love you Opi" Opi then said, "I love you too" (Ben heard I love you 2) Ben then said "I love you Three"
2. Ben was doing a puzzle with my mom. One of the puzzles was of a Queen. Ben said "that is not lighting McQueen" I guess that is the only Queen that he knows
1. We were on my way to my parents house because i had a Dr's appt. On the way Ben said that he wanted to call Opi. At the end of the conversation Ben said "I love you Opi" Opi then said, "I love you too" (Ben heard I love you 2) Ben then said "I love you Three"
2. Ben was doing a puzzle with my mom. One of the puzzles was of a Queen. Ben said "that is not lighting McQueen" I guess that is the only Queen that he knows
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Tonight Josh, Ben, Jacob and I went for a long walk after dinner. When we got home. Ben and Josh went in the bedroom to watch the Tiger's game while I watched GG in the family room and fed Jacob. After awhile I took Jake in the bedroom and Ben wanted me to leave him there. a little while later Ben came bolting out of the bedroom and said "Mommy Daddy said that I was in your tummy, that's crazy" I then tried to explain to him that he was in fact in my tummy. The then thought he was in there at the same time as Jacob was. I told him that I was in Omi's tummy before and that Daddy was in Grandma's tummy before. That really got him thinking and he then asked if he was in Omi's tummy with me :) I am sure we threw his little mind for a loop tonight
Monday, May 7, 2007
Weedend comments
This weekend Ben, Jacob and I spent the night at my parents house on Sunday night. We were having a house showing on Sunday and I really wanted to be able to go to church and knew that i would never make it out the door alone if I had to get 2 boys ready and make the house look perfect for the open house. Anyway, Sat. night Ben was stalling getting to sleep in a major way. He told us that he had to go potty so we took him. While he was on the toilet he asked us if we could bring him a book. Apparently he has learned that when you are on the potty and pooping it is good to read a book to make the time go by faster :)
I look like Joshua
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Yesterday Jacob rolled over (tummy to back) for the first time. He actually rolled a few times when he was just a few days old but I think it was just coincidence.
Anyway: Yesterday Jacob's stat's are as follows
82 days old
11.75 weeks
I think that he is about 12 lbs (based on me on the scale weighing him)
He is very alert all the time
He hates to sleep without me
He is an amazing blessing to our family.
Anyway: Yesterday Jacob's stat's are as follows
82 days old
11.75 weeks
I think that he is about 12 lbs (based on me on the scale weighing him)
He is very alert all the time
He hates to sleep without me
He is an amazing blessing to our family.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Ben's stories
Last night we were driving home from Nanna's house and Ben asked us "So where did the nice sunshine day go?" He could not figure out why it was dark since it had been such a nice day
The Boys

Last week we had a few beautiful days. Since I love being outside I decided to pack Ben, Jake, and Dalton up and head out to the park. It took awhile to get all the kids in the car but it was totally worth it in the end. They boys had ton's of fun at the park.
We all had ton's of fun at the park. Ben fell off the swing and got his first summer injury (it was not such a big deal but he got a little scrape on his face).
Ben also met his girlfriend Olivia (liwbia). She was 4 and not the girl I would have picked for him. She had skulls on her shoos and her dad was covered in tattoo's Ben thought she was great and talks about her all the time. To bad we will probably never see her again :) Ben is following after his father however in his ladies man tendencies!
Jacob was dedicated Sunday. It was a very fun day and it was great to be able to see the whole family.

Here are some pictures

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